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Romance Writer

Dotted Circle

Marron Kaye wrote her first book at the tender age of 40 proving that it’s never

too late to chase your dreams.

A long-time lover of soap operas and romantic fiction, she credits

her grandmother for introducing her to the genre.

She lives in Toronto, Canada, with her two sidekicks, her dogs Connor and Bella. The geography of

Llyn Lakes is loosely based on a town near to her family’s cottage, which is her forever happy place.

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A note from Marron:

Like my tag line?

This is my ‘why’.

For those that aren't aware, I wrote my first novel in the midst of the pandemic-which we all know was a scary ​and uncertain time rife with mental health challenges for many. I’d already been coming off of a traumatic ​period in my life prior to that and was grieving. When Covid hit, and I had more time on my hands, I found that ​writing helped me work through my chaotic emotions. More specifically, though, the romance genre (both ​reading and writing it) offered me the escape that I needed and the guaranteed happy endings that I so ​desperately craved.

If you’ve read any of my books in the Llyn Lakes Series you know that the female main characters reference ​finding their own happily ever after's. And I wish that for everyone, however it may look for you. If you’re still ​searching for yours, I hope that you can find and enjoy one in a good book until then!

xoxo, Marron Kaye

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Touching of Hands Drawing


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The Ridge

The Llyn Lakes Series


The Clearing

The Beach

Steph’s finally getting her life back on ​track after years of struggle and ​heartache. Her kids are doing well, she ​has a new job she loves, and she has ​great friends that she knows she can ​rely on. Things are looking up! That is ​until he rolls back into town. Seventeen ​years after he first broke her heart, ​Riley walks back into her life ​determined to rekindle what they once ​had. Despite some initial misgivings, ​Steph has a hard time resisting the ​man–especially once he reveals the ​truth about what really happened all ​those years ago. Now she’s wondering ​if, maybe, they actually can find their ​way back to each other.

Riley’s made mistakes. A lot of them. ​He’s spent years wallowing in shame ​and self-pity, running from a past that ​he can’t escape–until one day he ​decides enough is enough. Now he’s ​home in Llyn Lakes and looking to make ​amends with all of the people he’s ​hurt. Number one on that list is the ​woman he’s never been able to forget. ​Though he knows he doesn’t deserve it, ​he’s desperate for a second chance ​with Steph ... but it turns out she has ​some secrets of her own, and this time ​she just may be the one to break him.

Piper is new to town and starting over ​alone. A terrifying encounter in the ​woods one day sends her stumbling ​into the care of a brooding stranger. ​Now, in an effort to protect her from ​an uncertain danger, they’re thrown ​into close quarters and spending all of ​their time together. As their bond ​grows Aidan reveals the shocking ​connection between what she ​witnessed in the clearing and his ​tragic past.

Aidan has demons that he's unwilling ​to face, but he’s determined not to let ​history repeat itself. He just needs to ​keep things with Piper distant … ​professional. Though he tries to fight it, ​the connection between them is ​overwhelming. Being around her has ​those carefully constructed walls of his ​coming down and his willpower ​waning, but is he really ready to let her ​in? One thing’s for certain, he'll do ​anything to keep her safe.

Lucy likes to have fun. The one-night, ​no-strings, no-emotions kind. It's safer ​that way. If she doesn't let anyone get ​too close then they won't be able to ​hurt her when they inevitably leave. But ​lately, this philosophy has left her ​feeling ... a little empty. Unfulfilled. ​Lonely. Until one drunken night with the ​man she least expected changes ​everything. Now she has a chance for ​the one thing she thought she'd never ​have. Will she take it?

Noah's been the outcast, the outsider, ​for most of his life, desperately seeking ​acceptance from his wary peers and ​approval from parents that will never ​give it. He has to be the best. Always. ​He has a carefully laid plan for his ​success ... and it's entirely dependent ​on maintaining order and routine in ​every aspect of his life. No surprises - ​that’s the way he likes it. That is until ​Lucy's news throws everything into ​chaos. And it turns out, he wouldn't have ​it any other way.

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The Beach

The Clearing

The Ridge

Special Edition - Discreet Paperback

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Special Edition - Discreet Paperback

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Now you can check in with Piper & Aidan to see what they’re up

to five years later. Grab your free copy here!

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Get The Clearing

-Bonus Epilogue-

And want to know what Lucy & Noah are doing nine years from now?

Click the link below!

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Get The Beach

-Bonus Epilogue-

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Map of Llyn Lakes

Check out some familiar locations mentioned in the Llyn Lakes series!

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Couple Kissing Outline
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I thoroughly enjoyed The Beach, it was such a heartwarming story ​although being a romance newbie the steamy sex scenes were a ​bit of a shock to the system at first! Having just given birth 4 ​months ago myself following Lucy and Noah’s pregnancy brought ​back a lot of fond memories for me which was a lovely bonus. ​Overall I would recommend The Beach, and will be going back ​and reading The Clearing!


This was a super cute read. I’m not usually big on pregnancy in books but it worked for this one. I loved seeing glimpses of ​characters from the first book in this series and enjoyed seeing everything moving forward for everyone. I loved the ​wooing and while there was some miscommunication which I usually hate it was actually super relatable and worked. Definitely ​can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.

-Britni J.


The Beach

I wanted more of Noah when he was first introduced in the first book of this series The Clearing. Marron gave him to us in the best ​way. At the end of the first book Noah is portrayed as a jerk with perfectionist tendencies. Diving deeper into his story you understand ​why he is the way that he is. Lucy is outgoing and always up for a goodtime. She doesn’t care what people think of her, well at least ​that’s what she makes people believe. After waking up on the beach the morning after Aidan and Piper’s wedding, Lucy realizes she ​has a decision to make that can change the course of the rest of her life. Lucy and Noah, who are complete opposites, find ​themselves spending more and more time together, and realize that maybe they have more in common than they thought.

I love Noah! He is swoony and favorite book boyfriend material for sure. The text exchanges between Noah and Lucy were the ​cutest and couldn’t have been more perfect. The swearing and the emojis had me giggling. I loved how Marron developed their story. ​It wasn’t super slow burn or smack you in the face from the very beginning, but it kept me turning the pages late into the night. Anyone ​would love a man like Noah, his “research” alone just makes my heart flutter with how sweet he really is. I loved the way Lucy was able ​to help Noah see that he doesn’t always have to be perfect. She’s such a strong woman and I need a friend like her. I mean who ​doesn’t want a friend who so freely gives all the details, if you know what I mean. The writing was fluid and made for an appealing ​page turner. The characters were relatable and the side characters were showcased perfectly throughout the book. I’m excited to ​read what Marron writes next!


Can I be jealous of a literary character, because I am! Another amazing book by Marron Kaye. This book was the perfect mix of ​sweet, spicy, humor and real emotion. I completely fell in love with Lucy and Noah - where can I find my own Noah?!

I couldn’t get enough of their story, their banter and their emotional and sexual tension that builds throughout the book keeps you ​reading. When is book 3?!? I need more from this writer!

-Laura U.

I don’t know what it is about book Noah's recently but they are everything a book boyfriend should be! Noah and Lucy were the ​definintiont of opposites attract and they worked so well together. I loved Lucy in The Clearing and I'm so glad she got her HEA ​this book. I loved getting to know Noah more after his small appearances in book 1. I am really loving this series and I can't wait for the ​next book!


This was a great romance story with spice. Follows the unplanned pregnancy trope but was done so well. Lots of romance and spice ​in this one.

-Airam N.

I loved this book!

If you love the pregnancy trope then this one’s for you! This is the second book in an interconnected series but can easily be read as a ​standalone (which I did but I’ll be going back to read the first book).

I am obsessed with Noah, he has been added to my collection of book boyfriends.

I loved that the author included chapters after the birth of the daughter, showing how the characters have adapted to parenthood ​and their new relationship. I loved that not only was there an epilogue but it actually wrapped up the story perfectly. (Some epilogue’s ​still leave me wondering). I’d love to hear about Stephs story!


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The Clearing

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book! I opened the book to read a few ​chapters and read half of it, and finished it the next day. I easily ​pictured the characters and book locations in my mind which ​made it easy to connect with the story and characters. A great ​and steamy read!

-Laura U.

This book was great! The opening scene had my heart racing and wanting to know what happened next. The slow burn between ​Piper and Aidan was just delicious. Close proximity and forced situations with the immediate tension was just *chef’s kiss*. ​Can’t wait to read Lucy’s story this summer!

-Britni J.

This book! Let me tell you! While living an independent lifestyle, Piper finds herself being chased through the woods after having ​witnessed something she shouldn't have. After stumbling out of the woods on to a property that looks abandoned, she finds herself ​face to face with Aidan. Aidan lives an isolated life as he tries to hide from the mistakes of his past. He's instantly attracted to the ​woman who collapsed on his property and fights to keep his thoughts clean.

This book has so much going for it! The forced proximity just adds to the angst and internal war that Aidan is battling. There was so ​much back and forth between the two main characters, I was screaming and making sarcastic notes left and right. Don't get me ​wrong, I was rooting for Piper and Aidan from the beginning but so much could have been solved if Aidan wasn't so indecisive and ​Piper was a bit more head strong.

At the end of the day, I couldn't put it down. Once the ball gets rolling, it doesn't stop until there are no more words left. ​I’m excited for her second book comeing this summer!


I love a good romantic suspense, and The Clearing is just that. And it starts off fast. I was a little worried the book would drag since ​it starts off with such an intense scene, but I was wrong. You find out bits and pieces throughout the book, and add in some ​tension, spice, and strong friendships, and the book is a page turner.


The Clearing by Marron Kaye, is a contemporary romantic suspense novel set in a small lake town. It centers around Piper, the town’s ​new librarian, and Aiden, a handsome, brooding former detective who lives alone in the woods. When Piper stumbles upon a terrifying ​mystery while on a nature hike, she finds herself in Aiden’s path and then under his protection.

I really loved the writing and plot of this novel. It moves quickly, and will keep you engaged and turning the page all the way to the ​end. It is romance centered, and the chemistry between the two main characters is electrifying. The suspense aspect of the book ​weaves seamlessly in with Piper and Aiden’s story, adding twists and turns to the plot that will have you saying, “Just one more ​chapter.”

The dual point of view is also flawless. I had no problem hearing the difference between Piper’s voice and Aiden’s, and I ​absolutely loved getting the story from both their perspectives.

Piper and Aiden are both extremely likable and endearing characters, and together they are magic on the page. Piper is kind and big ​hearted, and I absolutely loved how well developed her backstory and found family were in this book. Aiden is a little bit of the ​stereotype of the tall, dark, and brooding alpha male, but I adored him. He is the perfect romantic lead for Piper.

-Tracey M.

A sweet love story that builds anticipation of a steamy happily ever after romance.

-Diana S.

The book is passion-filled and is a definite page-turner from the very first chapter. The story is a perfect mixture of romance, ​mystery, suspense, and passion. The most memorable are descriptions of passionate scenes, for which the author used the perfect ​language to describe. The story made me feel alive. I am lookin forward to reading another book from this author.


The Clearing is Marron Kaye’s first novel and does not disappoint! A small town romance with a dash of mystery and suspense that ​keeps you hooked from the very beginning. The Love between the two main characters, Aidan and Piper, is palpable and ​endearing. Getting to experience it from their different perspectives and to feel their connection towards each other grow is a ​bonus and adds a whole other layer to the love story. A bit of mystery weaved throughout adds extra thrill and intrigue. Exciting from ​start to finish, this book is a real page-turner that will have you craving more. Cannot wait for the next story in the Llyn Lakes Series!


Our book club picked this book because we wanted a light, feel good story. We all loved it. It’s the perfect combination of ​suspense, somance, and steamy first love encounters. Very interesting read as the author writes from both of the main characters ​perspectives. We really enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next novel in this series, The Beach!

-Laura K

A new favorite author! Excellent writing, and the author’s descriptive words paint beautiful pictures and place you ​right there with the characters, and I love the characters. The protagonist’s thoughts and actions are exactly what mine ​would be in the same situations. There is some suspense, but this book is mostly about love, and the sex is just right. Highly ​recommend.

-Annie M.

This is a solid contemporary romance with all the usual ups and downs that come with it. The fiery passion, the miscommunication, the ​suspense...oh wait, did I forget to mention that someone is trying to kill our FMC? Also, she’s a librarian and really, I couldn’t help but be ​all about that. Open door spice (plenty of it) with a little bit of a slow burn. A broken, damaged MMC filled with guilt and remorse. ​These two were made to heal each other. It’s a fast read with short chapters, light-hearted and low-stakes. Perfect for this time of ​year.


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